Video Transcript:
How you Present Company Information Says a lot about Who You Are
Hi. Brady Snow here, back again with another YouTube Ads Case Study. We’re going to be doing Sun Bum today. If you haven’t heard of them, they make sunscreen and sun products. One of the things I really like about this company is that they are so casual in the way they present their information. They are all about having a good time. That vibe very much comes off in their videos. They also do a ton of videos just for fun, to have videos on their YouTube channel, of all sorts. Let’s watch their first informative video that describes who they are. You’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s really good.

Company Introduction Video
This is our mascot. His name is Sonny. This is our sunscreen. People tell us it smells like summer. We like that. In 2010, we started making products to protect ourselves, our friends, and our families from the sun, and since then we’ve grown and gotten a lot bigger, but we haven’t changed. This is a film about our company. This is our home, the Sunshine State. This is our beach, our office where it all began, and this is what work looks like here. This is our conference table, our boardroom, our fish, our other fish, our dog, our other dog, Jeannie, bikinis, flamingos, and Dustin. He’s been here since the very beginning. This is our truck. We drive it around the country for this thing we call the Bum Rush Tour. We show up unannounced and hold 15-minute contests for whoever’s in the water. The winner gets a cheap champagne shower and a thousand bucks.
This is our back porch. Bands stop by here to get off the road, grab a board, and go for a little surf, shoot some pool, or just hang out for a few hours. Sometimes they even play music for us. Yes, this is our shower, and these are the girls that inspired our hair products. Nobody knows beach hair better than them, and they were making these secret amazing concoctions at our office and we thought they should share them. You’re welcome. This is our non-profit. Groms means kids in surf lingo. Did you know that one in five of us will get skin cancer, and that 80% of the cases were caused from sunburns you got when you were a kid? We want to change that, so we partnered with elementary schools to do assemblies, provide sunscreen and hats, and put shade over their playgrounds.
Okay this, this is the greatest sales rep in the world, and we seriously wouldn’t be here without him. When we started the company he drove all over Florida selling to surf shops and sleeping in his car with no air conditioning, and at night he duct-taped screen mesh to the windows so he could get a little breeze without getting eaten by giant mosquitoes. Thanks Michael. Yeah, there’s a lot of bugs in Florida and not a lot of waves, so in 2014 we opened another office on the West Coast.

We picked the spot that feels like what a beach town in California might’ve felt like in the ’60s. We like that feeling. These are our steps, our bikes, our refrigerator full of booze and coconut water. This is where the smart people sit, and this is where the party people sit, and this is the guy that called in sick. This, well this just makes us really, really happy. These are the guys that play way too much ping-pong during work hours, and this is Dusty. He came with us from Florida. It was him and his beach friends that inspired our whole brand vibe. We even made a T-shirt with his face on it, and it’s our best seller. Yes, this is the California good life. This isn’t.
So we opened up another little office on Oahu. That’s right, the North Shore baby, paradise. This is [Andie 00:00:03:49]. She lives here, and she’s got a rad family and a beautiful community of friends with a lot of little kids. A baby’s skin is different. You know? It’s way more sensitive than ours, and that’s why we started Baby Bum. We want to make sure that what we’re putting on our kids safe, so nothing goes into our products without going through the moms and the dads in our community first. That’s a promise. You see, ultimately we want Sun Bum and Baby Bum to teach our kids about life, and love, and caring for the planet, and the animals, and each other. And we think that if we can make our company like that, then maybe it’ll make us better. We want to make a difference, and we want our lives to matter. We make products the way we like them, and we hope you like them too.
A Story is the Best Way to Educate about your Brand
That was a longer video describing the company’s story. I think this is one of the best things that anyone can do with a video to educate people about your brand. People love a story. They love knowing not just about the product, where it came from, but the people behind it. And this video described that, showed that, in its essence. It shows how they started. You get to see the people at work hanging out. You can see that they’re happy at work and hanging out. It tells you a little bit of history about the females that knew everything about beach hair, so it kind of has that qualifying feature. That, “Oh. That they’ve lived this lifestyle. They live in the sun. They like to have fun in the sun,” and that very much builds trust in this brand and product. So you get their story, you get the reasons why they created this chain of products, there’s a lot of them.
Aligning with a Positive Cause
It shows that they care about causes. They don’t want people to get skin cancer. They said it’s caused usually from sunburns you got as a kid. They want to stop that, so they’re about positive change as well, and taking better care of yourself. I just think that’s just a great way to show a story and to show people, your employees at work and having a good time, it’s a great way to build trust in your brand. If people feel that from the beginning, if your priority is to build trust, and also just make people feel good, and like you’re a person that they would want to talk to or hang out with because your story is so appealing and inspiring, then they’re going to associate great feelings with your brand. They’re going to be interested in possibly learning more, and how it could help them.
Producing Videos to Create Positive Value
Let’s look at their YouTube page real quick just because I mentioned that they have different kinds of videos of all sorts. In that information video, they pointed out the bands stopped by to hang out, so they have this whole series of bands performing a song. If you watch these videos, you’ll see bands performing at the casual offices, as they mentioned, hanging out. They also have these little short videos about the surfers. I love surfing, so that’s obviously something I’d want to watch. This one, The Ride, I have open here. I really like this one. (singing).
Just a little bit of that video there. Clearly this video was just made to promote positive feelings, just to show cool things. These are some of the activities that you do in the sun, so that associates with the brand and what they do. But I think they just made this just because they enjoy life, and they want to share that passion for having fun and not being worried about a thing, with other people that could be potential clients, or if you’re not even a client, just great stuff for you to check out. They clearly love pumping out videos on YouTube. They have a ton of stuff here about things that they’re passionate about. There’s some stuff here with kids. Here is a very short ad that builds brand awareness, but also builds that feel-good vibe. We’ll watch that real quick here. This can be a skippable in-stream ad since it’s under 30 seconds.
Promoting Company Values for Brand Awareness
Real short little message there that aligns to the company’s philosophies about enjoying life. If you can convey those feelings to your audience, first, they’re going to remember your brand because they associate it with something positive and enjoyable, and they’re going to have great brand awareness. And they might, if they pick up on your philosophy on life, if they align with that and believe in the same thing, they’re probably going to be a returning customer. They’re going to want to try out your products, what you have to offer. So creating that value up front before you promote the product is a great step in the customer journey. Showing that you have more to offer than just a product, and putting that upfront is one of the best ways, in fact in my opinion it’s the best way to market these days because consumers have so many choices with products of all sorts, services of all sorts, whatever it is.
There’s so many choices. There’s so much competition out there. So if you can get at the heart of what people really want in life, and that’s just feeling good, and being happy, and enjoying it, I think that is a very key component to successful YouTube videos. That was Sun Bum, and they are a great example of a brand that just puts out a lot of content just because they like creating videos, and in those videos they enjoyed conveying their values. That’s a very key takeaway that I think a lot of advertisers can put to use in their own YouTube videos. Thanks for watching. We’ll catch you next time.

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