Video Transcript
Doing More than Just Selling a Product
Hi, Brady Snow with TubeSift here. Welcome back to our latest YouTube Ads Case Study. Today, we’re going to look at some shorter form videos. We’re going to look at Skullcandy. If you are not familiar with them, they make headphones for music. They target a younger generation, but I’m sure there’s some older folks that like listening to good music as well. They have wireless headphones that get great sound.
So if you look over at their YouTube page here, you’ll see that more than just trying to sell their product, they have created a sort of concept, a movement you could say, they call it Mood Boost. So not only do they want you to listen to great music, they want you to have a mood boost as well. So we can take a look at their video here and see what I mean.
So that was a very short video, but you can see that it had this dynamic of a changing mood. So it starts out a little more somber. It’s kind of more of a gray scale with the color. And they say that they want to inspire mood boosts, they want people to be happier, feeling good, embracing positivity, that’s a great thing, we all need more of that. And then all of a sudden, the music changes, things get vibrant with the colors and the music changes as well and you feel uplifted after those first about 10 seconds.

Aligning your Brand with a Positive Movement
They are aligning their brand with this movement towards feeling more optimistic and having this mood boost. So they suggest the website, skullcandy.com. You can go there and join in with this mood boost mission. And it’s a very uplifting, exciting thing. So people might associate positivity, optimism with their brand. That’s very great thing for a business to be doing. And you can see how they did it in just a short amount of time.
Partnering with Celebrities

So if you take a look over at their webpage here, you can see that they’ve partnered with different artists, athletes that people will recognize and that is also a great thing for brands to do as well. But let’s take a look at Jenn Soto here, in case you don’t know, she is a goofy-footed American skateboarder, and let’s just take a look at this ad here. It’s another short ad, which, if they’re under 30 seconds, you can use as a skippable in-stream ad so people have the option to skip it, but it can play before a video that someone searching for say, someone searches for best headphones, we’ll get to that in a second here, but let’s watch this ad with Jenn Soto.
I think original is as simple as it sounds. Not following or trying to put yourself in a box, just do you. You may feel like you don’t have a place at your school or work, whatever it is, but the satisfaction later from just looking back and being like, “Wow, I was myself the whole time.” I love that.
Targeting your Audience with In-Stream Ads
So we have another mood boost there, inspiring optimistic feelings, being original, being yourself, associating those concepts with a brand is a great thing, because if you start seeing Skullcandy elsewhere, maybe you look into other videos, you go to their website, you’re going to feel uplifted and that is a great thing for brands to inspire people. As I said, so if someone was doing a search for headphones of some sort, this ad might, these shorter ads might appear before the video. It’s a great way to reach your audience, targeting where your audience is looking at the moment that they’re most interested in, whatever it is they’re looking for.
So Skullcandy’s a great example of using some kind of concept or mission that’s outside of what the brand is, but then the viewer comes to associate that concept, that mood, with the brand and it’s great marketing.
So thank you for watching this one. Tune in next time for YouTube Ads Case Studies.

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