Video Transcript
The best winning hooks
Justin Sardi: The most important part of any YouTube ad is going to be the hook, and today I’m going to break down my favorite hooks so that you can create compelling and high-converting YouTube ads.
Now, I want to preface this by saying that all of your hooks should be pre-qualifiers and pre-qualify your audience for your ad. Now, the first one I’m going to be talking about is the curiosity hook. Now you want to get people curious. You want to say something like, “What if I told you that it was possible to do this?” And obviously, you want to match that up with what your audience is into. That’s the curiosity hook. Then we’ve got the proof hook. You start off by saying something like, “I want to show you exactly how so-and-so is able to get this result doing this.” Now, again, that should tie into what your audience wants to know.

Download the top 5 hooks PDF
The next one is going to be an unbelievable statement. Now, that’s similar to curiosity. That can overlap a little bit. But you can use that make some kind of crazy statement that people are going to be like, “I don’t believe him. This isn’t going to work,” and roll with that. The next one is going to be a pain point, and I see this working extremely well. Something along the lines of, “If you’re a high-ticket business and you struggle with getting leads in sales, listen up.” Right?
I’ve actually put a free guide together showing you our top five hooks. It’s a free PDF. You can get tons of examples. Awesome swipe file. So if you like that, the link’s going to either be below this video, linked in my bio, or in the description. So definitely check that out. Bye for now.

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