Why You Need a Good Script
Hey, what’s up everybody? Justin Sardi here, founder and CEO of tubesift.com. In today’s video, we’re going to be talking all about scripting in stream ads. Now this is an extremely important component, if not one of the most important components of a video ad campaign, hence the video part of the video ad campaign. You’re going to need to have a solid script in place.
Having a solid script will help you achieve our is one of our keys to a Successful YouTube Ad Campaign. Check out our blog post 7 Keys to a Profitable YouTube Ad Campaign to learn more.
Now for this particular post, I’m going to be using and referencing our fill in the blank video ad scripting guide. Now you can always click below this video and put your email in, we’ll send you that fill in the blank scripting guide that I’m going to be using so you can follow along and make this work for you and get the highest ROI out of your campaign. Let’s go ahead and dive right in.
Video Ad Scripting Guide
First off, I want to mention, we have this video scripting guide, it’s a fill in the blank video scripting guide. Pretty cool, helps you organize your thoughts and I use this all the time when I’m scripting my particular video ads and I’m going to be breaking a few down for you today, but I just want to let you know, if you jump over to our blog post, if you’re watching this on YouTube, you can check it out by clicking the link in description. It’ll take you to our scripting guide or our scripting guide blog post. And on that webpage you can actually put your email in and I’ll send you this fill in the blank video scripting guide. Let’s dive in and talk all about how and why these things were scripted like this.

Using the Pattern Interrupt to Qualify Viewer
This is the video scripting guide. I like to start off by using a pattern interrupt and qualifying the viewer. These are pretty much the same thing, you just want to capture their attention is really what you want to do. Over here, I just want to show you this. This is us promoting Commission Hero, which was an affiliate product and it was a webinar and I was basically trying to get people to join my webinar. I’m going to break this down real quick. I want to show you the exact system that lets people just like you generate a thousand or more dollars every single day from the comfort of their own home without having any prior internet experience. Now okay, we’re 10 seconds in. I’ve already used a pattern interrupt. I said, “Hey, I want to show you.” This screen is kind of a pattern interrupt, people see all these sales, they’re all highlighted. $1000, $1000, $5,000 a week. This is pretty cool. People see that. And I was targeting people who wanted to learn to make money online, affiliate marketing, things like that.
I was targeting all of that and essentially what I did is I said, “Hey, I want to show you how people just like you are able to get this result.” That instantly is a pattern interrupt because they’re like, “Okay, I’m listening. I’m interested in that.” And then also it pre-qualifies them. If they’re not interested in making money online, they’re going to skip my ad. And remember we have five seconds to get them to skip. I’m only at 10 seconds and I’ve already told them, “Here’s what I’m going to show you.” That’s kind of the pattern interrupt and the pre-qualify the viewer or the qualify the viewer. Tell them what we’re going to do, it’s going to weed out viewers who aren’t interested in what you’re selling. I might be pattern interrupt here, I would be, pattern interrupt would be show proof.
Using a pattern interrupt magnetizes the viewer’s attention from what they are presently perceiving and gravitates them to focus on the brilliant light you have to offer with your content.
Show Proof of Value
And if you have proof, you always want to show proof. All my ads, even here’s another one right here. This is one that I was running to my own webinars. Check this one out. I want to show you on a free web class today exactly how Tristan was able to use simple YouTube ads to turn $92 into $12,000 for one of his clients. You can see, same format. Here’s another one. hey, I want to show, thanks. I got this sale, blah, blah, blah. Proof, proof, proof. And I want to show you how Corey was able to do this. And that’s, I just go back and forth with all of this. As you can see right here, one student who went through the free training that I’m offering, and by the way to join that free training, all you have to do is click the link on this video, but one person who used this exact same.
I’ve already mentioned, sorry let me expand that. I already mentioned, “Okay, cool. I’m going to show you. Here’s what I’m going to show you.” Qualifying the viewer, giving them the pattern interrupt and then a call to action. Within the first 19 seconds I’ve already said, “I have this free web class. All you have to do to join is go here.” I’m also going to show you exactly how Corey was able to get his first sale using YouTube ads based on the info that I’m offering on this free call today. Free call today. Again, telling them what we have to offer. Boom, boom. And then I go into all, you have to do to join. I’m only 20 seconds in. All you have to do to join the call is click the link on this video you’ll be taken to. Same training is generating anywhere from 1,100 to $1,500 every single day from home. Another person right here, 3,000. And so proof, proof, proof, proof, proof.

Effective Use of a Call to Action
Call to action is me telling them, “Hey, here’s what you need to do to get desired result.” Then I get into the problem and explaining why. If there’s no problem, just explain a little bit more about what you’re doing. For instance, over here, into a page, you can see. It’s more proof, sign up, I’m going to show you exactly how to set up your first YouTube ad and see some amazing results like Aiden’s getting right here. 13 cent conversions. He was on the exact same call you’re going to be able to see today. Brad right here, he’s doing eCommerce. This works. I’m basically just explaining, hey, this works for eCommerce. I’m explaining more. But the important thing is I got all of my point across. Hey, I’m going to show you how to do this and here’s how you figure out more, within the first 30 seconds.
For eCommerce, 14 hours he’s getting results. MD is doing CPA, spent $183, made $1,600. Josh Elder, 51 cent leads. He’s doing lead generation. Brian Gonzalez made $792 in affiliate commissions. This works for local marketing. This works for consulting. This works for high ticket webinars. I’m just peppering proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof. It works for this. Here’s it works with this. It works with this. Now, I’m going to show you all on the free webinar. And then you don’t need to watch the rest of this, but I’m just telling people, hey, here’s how you do this. Here’s how you do this. Here’s blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. These aren’t even good videos. Oops. I recorded them with my webcam and that video performed extremely well. A $1,000 in a week. More proof, more proof, more proof, more proof, more proof.
That’s allowing him to get anywhere from, a $100,000 in a week, $200,000 in a week, $100,000 a week, $200,000 a week, $153,000 in a single week. Now all you have to do to join this call, it’s absolutely free and I have. You get the point. That’s basically me explaining more, addressing the problem, explaining more. Then I have a call to action. All you have to do again, call to action. And then if you need to, tell a little bit more. Here’s the three things we’re going to talk about on this call, blah, blah, blah, call to action, call to action. That is all we do to script these ads. Extremely straightforward. All you have to do to get this checklist or sorry it’s not a checklist at all, all you have to do to get this video scripting guide is jump on over to our blog. If you’re watching this on the blogging, scroll right below this. You put your email in and I will email you this scripting guide so you can start filling this in and get all of your ads scripted up, ready to go and go from there.
Keep the Video Ad Scripting Process Simple
That’s really the whole scripting process. There’s nothing too complicated about it. You just need to make sure you get your point across in the first 30 seconds. And besides that, you can go on as long as you want because you pay after 30 seconds and that’s that’s about it.
All right so hopefully that was helpful as far as scripting these types of ads went. We showed you a couple of our ads that have performed extremely well, showed you our fill in the blank template, all that good stuff. Again, you can download that template by going right below this video, if you’re watching it on YouTube, you can click the link in the description, or if you’re watching it on our blog, you can always put your email right below this video and get that scripting guide delivered directly to your inbox at no cost to you.
Now, as always, if you liked this video, please give us that thumbs up, subscribe to us on YouTube and leave us a comment. If you have anything you’d like us to cover, please let me know in the comments as well or you can email us at support@tubesift.com and we’ll do our best to get this free content made for you so you can get the highest ROI out of your campaigns. And as always, you can always jump over to tubesift.com and sign up for a monthly or an annual license so you can start zeroing in on your ideal audience on YouTube and get the highest ROI out of your campaigns possible. That’s it for me on this one. Bye for now.

- 7 Keys to a Profitable YouTube Ad Campaign from the TubeSift Blog
- 11 YouTube In-Stream Ad Tips from Digital Marketer Lab
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