Video Transcript:
Optimize for Specific Conversion Actions
Hey, what is up everybody? Justin Sardi, co-founder and CEO of tubesift.com. And today we’re going to be talking all about conversion action sets, and having Google Ads optimize your campaigns for very specific conversion actions, as the conversion action sets would tell you. We’re going to be talking all about how to use them, what’s best, and why they’re so awesome.
So first things first, let’s talk about what a conversion is. In Google Ads, and we actually have a whole blog post on tracking conversions using Google Ads, but essentially, what a conversion is, is it’s a set action that you choose and somebody sees your ad, let’s say we are pushing traffic to a webinar registration page like we do a lot. You want people to register for your webinar, and I want to know how much it costs me to get one person to register for my webinar, or hundreds of people obviously, thousands, millions even.

Using Conversions for Data-driven Decisions
But what we’re trying to do is figure out exactly what our cost per registration is and then ultimately, what our cost per sale is because we need to know which ad campaigns are effective and which ones might not be so effective. When we’re split testing, things like that, we need to know exactly what is giving us results so we can make data-driven decisions. To do that, we’re going to use conversions. And like I said, we have a whole training on setting up conversion tracking, but essentially, it’s a snippet of code that you put on your page, that somebody sees after they take the action that you want them to take.
For instance, if somebody goes, sees my ad, goes to my webinar registration page, and then registers, they’re going to hit the thank you page. I would put a conversion tracking pixel on the thank you page, so that when they see that specific ad, go to my registration page, opt-in, Google then fires that conversion tracking pixel, and then they know, or it passes the data back to Google Ads. And Google then knows that this particular video ad, this particular targeting option, and this campaign provided this result, and here’s how much it costs to do so. That way you as an advertiser can make data-driven decisions.
That’s great. And it’s one thing if you have just one specific conversion action. However, when you are running a lot of different campaigns, maybe you have different goals, you have different webinars, you’re selling different products. You’re going to have a lot of conversion set up. We have one for webinar registrations for one of our webinars, we have webinar registrations for some affiliate webinars we run, we have webinar registrations for TubeSift-specific webinars, all of that good stuff.
And a lot of people, once they get on your email list, we’ll send them specific offers. And even if they’ve seen one of your ads and then you push them with an email list to another page, and they take your action, let’s say, that’s going to fire that conversion under the same campaign. And it gets really crazy and a lot of times, you’ll see 15 different conversion actions, for instance on some of our campaigns, we’d see like webinar registration, TubeSift sale, video Ads cracked purchase all of this stuff under one single campaign. When really I’m just trying to track how much it costs me for getting a webinar registration and a sale of video ads cracked. And I don’t want to track all of those other things, even though these people have gone through those things. I just want to track specific things on my one campaign, right?
Tracking with a Conversion Action Set
So the way to get around that and essentially just track what you want to is called a conversion action set. And when you’re setting up a campaign, you can basically choose to set up a conversion action set and you have your conversions, and then you get to pick exactly which conversions you want that campaign to track for. Now, this becomes very, very effective when you’re doing things like booking calls, for example, right? So I have a consulting client that I work with and we actually decided we were getting webinar registrations to booking calls, right?
Well, we eventually got enough data on that conversion tracking pixel, the one about booking the call that we said, you know what? Let’s just try and optimize for just booking a call because really who cares how much you were paying for a webinar registration? We’re really caring, hey, here’s how much we want to pay for a booked call that turns into a sale, right? We don’t really care about the webinar registrations. It’s a good metric to know however, we really wanted to book calls. So we started optimizing for the booked call conversion action set that we had set up. And all of a sudden the cost per call dropped drastically. We were able to take it from like $200 a booked call, which is fine because they’re selling like a $5,000 product, right? But we were able to take that $200 a booked call and get it down to about $80.

Download our Free Training Optimizing for Specific Conversions
So we were able to more than cut it in half by optimizing for a higher level conversion action, which is a really cool way to use these things. So I’m going to put together a full training on conversion action sets, how to set those up. It’s super simple. All you have to do is click the link below this video, tell us where to send it. And I will get you that conversion action set training. Hopefully, this video was helpful and it shed a little bit of light on how to use these conversion action sets and why, and when you would be using them. That’s it for me on this one, if you did like the video, give us that thumbs up, leave us a comment, and always check out tubesift.com, where you can dial in your targeting for your YouTube advertising campaigns.

- Conversion Tracking for YouTube Ads from the TubeSift Blog
- Getting Started with YouTube Advertising from the TubeSift Blog
- Set Up Conversion Tracking for your Website from Google Ads Help
- Different Ways to Track Conversions from Google Ads Help
- About Conversion Tracking from Google Ads Help
- Facebook Ads vs. YouTube Ads with Mike Buontempo from the TubeSift Blog
- Scaling YouTube Ads with Brian Moncada from the TubeSift Blog
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