New Google Report Shows Changes in Video Viewer Habits are Changing
Think with Google recently ran a study where they asked 12,000 people from countries around the world what they’ve been watching online. The results showed that the video viewing habits of the world are changing.
70% of the respondents in the Think with Google study claim that what they choose to watch connects to how they currently feel. As the times change, so do consumers values and moods. This in turn affects consumer viewing preferences.
Whether it’s product reviews, tutorials for gaining new skills, or listening to relevant news, the majority of viewers have grown dependent on videos for new information. More than ever they want video content that provides value to their interests.
If you have a few moments, take some time to view the data visualization on Think with Google’s report. The numbers and charts provide some valuable insight of what viewing habits and preferences are like around the world.

What the new viewing habits mean for digital marketers
For marketers, the change in video viewing habits is important data to know. With this insight, marketers can produce content that their audiences not only want to watch, but also find value in.
Unlike in times past, people are interested in videos that are personally relatable and content that hits closer to home. With an increasing volume of watchable content out there on a growing number of streaming platforms, producing valuable content has become more important than the video production quality itself.
It’s no question that video has become a crucial component of marketing strategy. Yet the new trends also point out that expensive productions are not necessary. Consumers care more about what the value of your message delivers than a fancy and expensive video production.
An Opportunity and Challenge for Digital Marketers
Due to the massive challenges and shifts the world experienced due to the novel coronavirus, consumers are eager to find what’s important and beneficial to them. Video is their preferred method of finding and learning about these values.
For marketers this presents both an opportunity and a challenge.
The opportunity: Brands and businesses now have more optionality in targeting channels and videos to connect with their audience. A proper targeting strategy aligned with a valuable message will allow brands to promote their offers to an interested audience and not waste adspend on un-interested consumers.
The challenge: Even with enhanced tools to connect with their ideal audience, brands still need to carefully consider how they craft and deliver their message. This ensures they are delivering valuable content to a user. If your offer does not add value, you risk losing potential leads.
Key Insights for Digital Marketers in 2021 and Beyond
The key insights of this new data on video viewing habits around the world highlights three main points for brands to consider when creating video content and/or video ads.
Be relatable
Think of a way to make your content relatable to your audience. Consider your ideal customer’s personal interests and what they consider valuable information and content. Listen to and know what they want to see and hear.
Passion over Production
People now choose to watch content that speaks to their passion and interest. Because of this, the message you deliver is increasingly more important to viewers than production quality. While it’s still important to have good sound and lighting, the most important element of your video is the value of the content. Consider your message and what it can give to your ideal customer, and carefully craft it in the most constructive way. For a guide on this, check out a walk-through for using our scripting guide.
Not ‘just for fun’
Videos are not only for fun – it also has to be informative and engaging. Often, creators want to include a part of video because it is important to them. While your ideal customer may find similar value in something you say or do, it’s still important to ask yourself if what you’re saying and doing will resonate with your ideal audience and provide value.
Connect with your audience on the world’s largest video platform
Since launching in 2005, YouTube has become the world’s largest and most popular video platform. Viewers around the globe turn to YouTube to find that new video content that is valuable to their interests and passions. Many viewers subscribe to YouTube channels that consistently publish videos.
For marketers, this is a prime opportunity to precision target their ideal audience.
TubeSift is a software tool that helps digital marketers do just that: find the videos and channels that their audience are watching and then place ads there to guarantee their audience sees and engages with their offer.

Visit our homepage at TubeSift.com to learn how TubeSift can help you get your ad in front of your perfect customer and start generating leads and sales for your business.

- What the World Watched in a Day – Viewing Data Report from Think with Google
- Why Advertise on YouTube? From the TubeSift Blog
- Getting Started with YouTube Ads from the TubeSift Blog
- Types of YouTube Ads and How to Use Them from the TubeSift Blog
- The Customer Journey and YouTube Ads – How to Drive Conversions from the TubeSift Blog
- Successful YouTube Ads: The Ultimate Scripting Guide from the TubeSift Blog
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