YouTube ads that we remember seem to have some secret ingredient that make the ad stand out amongst all the other ads we see.
YouTube ads that we remember seem to have some secret ingredient that make the ad stand out amongst all the other ads we see.
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The Secret behind Memorable Ads

Have you ever wondered why certain Youtube ads stick in your memory? It’s like there’s something about them that makes them memorable and you find yourself thinking or talking about it long after you watched the ad.  

Those ads are memorable because they are following proven narrative structures that help tell better stories and engage their audience.  While there is a powerful ad scripting formula to follow that engages audiences, a new form of ad delivery is emerging called ad sequencing, or sequential messaging.

While great videography can go a long way, the truth behind successful YouTube ads is that they follow a proven formula on how to tell a story effectively.
While great videography can go a long way, the truth behind successful YouTube ads is that they follow a proven formula on how to tell a story effectively.

The Power of Video Ad Sequencing

Since consumers around the world have embraced video streaming, viewing habits have changed. Studies have found that a planned sequence of ads that tells a story across several ads can boost engagement, ad recall and purchase intent.  This is especially true with the targeting power of video marketing today.

Sequential messaging ads stand out from the ads consumers are accustomed to seeing and establish a connection with the user.  This connection deepens when the viewer sees a second or third ad in a sequence.  For advertisers, this can create opportunities to generate high-quality leads that are more likely to convert. 

5 Types of Successful Video Ad Sequences

From the times of verbal storytelling to the technology driven videos of today, the human brain has always been wired to remember incredible stories.  With video ad sequencing, marketers can now deliver ads on YouTube to a viewer in a sequence.   

For brands curious about trying video ad sequencing, Think with Google recently published a study called Why you Remembered that YouTube Ad that outlines 5 types of storytelling structures to be used with video ad sequences that deliver memorable story structures. 

The structures were tested to determine their effectiveness on three main metrics.  Those metrics are brand awareness, ad recall, and purchase intent.  Below we summarize those 5 types and include some data visualizations from Think with Google’s report.  

Tease, Amplify, Echo 

This type of sequence starts with a montage of clips that depict action or conflict.  This is designed to intrigue the viewer and capture their attention.  The sequence then transitions into a longer video on the second or third ad that features more detail to deepen engagement.  The sequence then concludes with another short clip or montage of clips prompting viewers to take action. 

Key benefits– This type most directly boosts brand awareness and gets you noticed with consumers. This is one of the most common sequence types since it directly peaks the interest of viewers and allows them to become aware of your brand.   

Benefits of the "Tease, Amplify, Echo" video ad sequence.

The Mini Series 

This type divides the video into multiple segments, or chapters.  It then narrates the story by the tried and true method of storytelling through the three main phases.  Those phases are the conflict, the climax of the story, and the resolution. 

Key Benefits– this type of sequence boosts ad recall. People will remember your ad through the suspense it generates, making them want to watch more.  

Benefits of "The mini-series" type of video ad sequencing.

The Direct Shot

This type is made with four to six videos that present the same idea from several different angles. It also delivers the main purpose directly, hence the name direct shot.  By presenting multiple points of view, audiences can see your story from different angles.   

Key benefits – Marketers can directly customize specific sequences and target them to a viewer based on what they’re about to watch.  This type has the biggest effect on brand awareness.  

Benefits of "The Direct Shot" type of ad sequencing.

The Follow Up

This type of sequence starts with a long video ad that demonstrates the main concept and then proceeds to escalate the story.  It then shows a sequence of shorter ads that resolve the conflict and introduce a call to action.  

Key Benefits – With an interesting concept and eye-catching video, this will work well for your brand awareness and also for promoting the main benefit of your ad, which can boost purchase intent.  

Benefits of "The Follow Up" type of ad sequencing.

The Lead In

This type starts with a teaser video and ends with a longer video that completes the story and summarizes the message.  

Key Benefits  – although this is the least used sequence based on the 30-second TrueView Youtube ad views, this type can still be a solid choice for brand awareness and ad recall. You just have to make sure the teaser video you’ll be showing will leave an impression to your audience and make them want to re-engage with your ad when you show the second.  

Benefits of The Lead In type of sequencing.

Getting started with Video Ad Sequencing

No matter how you choose to present your story, video ad sequencing is a powerful choice to engage your audience in several sessions.  This builds intrigue with your ad and helps escort the potential leads and buyers along the customer journey.

While a well crafted single video ad can still drive massive conversions and ROI, video ad sequencing is a powerful method to guide the prospective customer along the journey from awareness to consideration to becoming a customer.   

For an over-the-shoulder guide on how to set up video ad sequencing, check out this video walk through.  

Regardless of which ad strategy you run on YouTube, having precision targeted placements is key to getting a high ROI on your adspend.   

TubeSift is the software behind precision targeting for YouTube ads that connects brands with their ideal customers.
TubeSift is the software behind precision targeting for YouTube ads that connects brands with their ideal customers.

Visit our home page to learn how TubeSift can help you find and connect with your ideal customers at the exact moment they are searching for something related to your offer.  

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