Video Transcript

Monetize your channel
Brady Snow: YouTube just expanded the eligibility requirements for the YouTube Partner Program. This is the program that allows you to monetize your YouTube channel.
What does this mean for creators and YouTube advertisers? Well, it means that you can be eligible to monetize your channel sooner with new conditions. Let’s take a look at what this means and what allows you to be eligible, and then what are some ways that you can put this new monetization strategy to use with your business.
So, here’s what they released on YouTube Help. They said, “We’re expanding the YouTube Partner Program to more creators with earlier access to fan funding and shopping features. This expansion is rolling out over the next month to creators in Canada, United Kingdom, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. If you’re in one of these countries, you can read the article below to learn more about the changes.”
So if you’re in one of these regions, you can check out this article if you want. We’ll link to all this below. This is just an overview of the program and how you can join, what the steps are to join, but here is what is so exciting. So it used to be 1,000 subscribers that was the requirement to be permitted into the program, but now you can do it with 500 subscribers and also three valid public videos in the last 90 days.
So what that means is if you have a small channel, you can get accepted into the partner program. Now, it does come with some restrictions if you don’t have 1,000. With 500 though, you are allowed to use shopping and fan funding features. So you’ll be able to promote your own products or affiliate products with links I believe is how it’s going to work, and then also you can use fan funding features. So basically you can have people sign up for subscriptions, subscribe to your channel, and then they could get exclusive content.
Also, if you do have 1,000 subscribers and either 4,000 valid public watch hours or 10 million valid public Shorts views in the last 90 days, then you can sign up for monetization. So, you can set up an AdSense account and get revenue from ads that show on your channel, and also you can apply to be a part of ad sharing from the YouTube Partner Program.

Be part of the YouTube Partner Program
So if you want to sign up or see if you’re eligible, you can go through. We’ll link to this, you can check it out just to double-check where you stand. But this is pretty exciting news, ’cause it’s allowing more people to monetize their channel sooner and allow ads to be run to get a little extra ad revenue from that. But then this shopping feature is pretty exciting and pretty new, and it really could serve as a good way to get people to buy directly from your YouTube channel.
So, why is this important to creators or advertisers? Well, one, we know that creating free public content is a great way to nurture your leads, nurture existing customers as well, get them to buy again. You need to remain relevant, so by publishing content, you can educate them about a problem that they have and then a solution, and then pitch your offer.
With this product and shopping features that are being introduced, that’s going to be a huge win. It’s going to make it a lot easier to people purchase directly from your YouTube videos. That’s pretty exciting.
If you want to read more about this, we are going to link to it below in the description of the video. If you’re on our blog, it’ll be below the video in the resources section, it may also be linked in the caption below the video. So you can check that out, but this is exciting news. YouTube is always trying to innovate and expand and now compensate their creators for their efforts and for creating content that keeps people on the platform.
If you’re eligible, you can set this up, join the YouTube Partner Program and start monetizing your channel directly with just the content that you use to both nurture your leads and existing customers, educate them about a problem and the solution that your offers will help them with, and that’s pretty exciting news.
Yeah, just a quick update from this. We wanted to make sure you knew about this. If you have any questions at all, drop them in the comments, let us know, and yeah, we’ll see on the next video. Thanks for tuning in.

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