Why should you use Campaign Level Exclusions?
Hey, what’s up everybody? Justin Sardi, co-founder and CEO of TubeSift.com here. Today, I’m going to be talking all about using campaign level exclusions for your YouTube ad campaigns. Now, we all know how to target specific channels, keywords, videos, all that good stuff on YouTube. But what if there’s a specific one that you absolutely do not want your ad showing up for? Maybe it’s a specific search phrase that overlaps with one of your keywords and people are searching for and you maybe just don’t want your ad to show up for that. Or maybe you don’t want your ads to show on a specific YouTube channel, even though they’re in your niche. How do we go about doing that?

Adding Negative Placements in your Google Ads Account
Well, today’s video, I’m going to break down exactly how to do that and show you over the shoulder step-by-step how to get into your Google Ads account and add campaign level exclusions for any and all of your targeting. So let’s go ahead and jump over to my computer and dive right in. We’re inside of our Google Ads account. Now, let’s go ahead and dive into exactly how to add these negative placements here. So we go into our campaign and then into our ad group itself, or this is actually in the campaign, sorry. You can go into the ad group, but you don’t have to.
Now, in each of these targeting options like keywords, for example, you can click this little caret and expand it. Then you can see right here, negative keywords. Now, if we were targeting keywords, you could add any negative keywords either to the campaign or to the ad group itself. Now, same thing goes for audiences. You can go to exclusions right here. You can exclude specific audiences if you’d like to do that. Demographics, you can also do exclusions as well. You can do some cool combinations in here also, but that’s a little bit different. Then same thing with placements. You can do exclusions there also.
Excluding Ads in Mobile Apps
You can see, I’m actually excluding a bunch of these mobile app categories in here that I actually have these excluded on the account level. These is just so I don’t have… This is a good example of what you want to do. I don’t like my ads showing in apps, right? So because most of the time people are using their apps, I mean, think about it, if you’re ever using an app, how many times are you like, “Ah, damn it. There’s an ad popping up,” and you’re just trying to get back to your app, right? So I’ve found that if I can exclude most of these on a campaign level, it seems to work pretty well.
So yeah, and I actually have this, all of these I exclude like games and games. So they have all these app categories you can choose in here. So that’s kind of how you would go about doing that. So it’s like you can come in here and you can exclude games, all this kind of stuff. There’s a bunch of cool stuff you can do or you can enter multiple exclusions here as well. So that’s how exclusions work.

Excluding Non-Relevant Targeting Options
Hopefully, that shed a little bit of light on exactly how to exclude specific placements, keywords, websites, topics, all that good stuff within your campaigns. Now, I know this is going to help you get a higher ROI on your campaign because sometimes certain channels, videos, things like that just don’t convert, or maybe they’re relevant, but they’re not quite what you want to align your brand with.
So hopefully this video shed some light on exactly how to use these campaign level exclusions. You can get into your Google ad account and start excluding non-relevant targeting options from your campaigns. So that’s it for me on this video. If you did like this, please give us that thumbs up. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, TubeSift. Yeah, check us out on Instagram, all that good stuff. As always, you can go over to TubeSift.com and get yourself a TubeSift membership, where you can use our suite of tools to help yourself get a higher ROI on your ad campaigns. Hopefully you enjoyed this video. Bye for now.

- Targeting via Google Search Terms from the TubeSift Blog
- Ad Targeting Options on YouTube from the TubeSift Blog
- Targeting Options for YouTube Ads from the TubeSift Blog
- Retargeting with Google Ads from the TubeSift Blog
- Add Negative Sites from the TubeSift Blog
- Exclude Specific Webpages and Videos from Google Ads Help
- Exclude Placements at the Account Level from Google Ads Help
- Exclude Specific Placements from your Targeting from Google Ads Help
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