Video Transcript
Advantage of using a YouTube ad spy tool
Brady Snow: Should you use a YouTube Ad Spy Tool? This is a question we get asked a lot. What is it good for? Is it really going to give me any benefits when I run my YouTube campaigns? And, if so, what advantages am I going to have with it? Well, if you run YouTube Ads, today on this video, we’re going to be breaking down why you should be using this YouTube Ad Spy Tool and how it is going to improve the results you get with your YouTube Ad campaign. So, let’s hop on my computer and take a look at this. So here’s why you should be using a YouTube Ad Spy Tool. You should use a YouTube Ad Spy Tool to see what ads are working, to see what ads are effective, what messaging is working, what your competitors are running. If you can have data about those ads and see what they are, see what businesses are running which ads, what messaging they’re using, what different angles they’re trying, you’re going to know what your target audience is already seeing and you’re going to be able to create much more effective ads of your own.
This is the main reason you use an ad spy tool. What do movie directors do in Hollywood? They get ideas by watching other films. Tarantino, Quentin Tarantino, if you like his films, he watches movies from the Samurai films of Asia, he watches Westerns, and he gets all these ideas from styles and different elements, and he uses that in his own inspiration to come up with videos like nobody has seen before, videos that no one has seen anything like before. And so creating ads on YouTube are the same way. You can watch other ads, see what messaging is working, what hooks are being used, what kind of video editing is being used, what kind of motion graphics are used, all of that stuff. You can even check out landing pages where conversions happen and see what is being said on the landing page. With this kind of real time market data, you’re going to be able to create much more effective campaigns of your own because you’re going to have unlimited inspiration.

Find ads with any keyword
So, if you want real quick, I can do a quick demo on my computer of a YouTube Ad Spy Tool. Say I have an offer that teaches people about digital marketing. I’m just going to start broad with this keyword, and here are ads that are related to digital marketing. SEM Rush, I know them. Here’s some Fiverr ads about digital marketing. More SEM Rush. It seems like these ads are ranking heavily for this keyword. Digitalscholar.co, it’s a training program. There’s all these ads here and if I want to watch any of these, let’s say I want to watch the one with the most views, I can filter for the highest users. This one’s got 6.4 million. It’s an Adobe Ad. Adobe’s a tool. They have a lot of software tools that people use in digital marketing. I can just click play and watch this here, see the ad, see the messaging they’re using. This may not relate exactly to what I’m offering if it’s course.
Speaker 2: File too big? What?
Brady Snow: So Adobe’s a big advertiser, obviously, a big company, but this ad, they shot it like a scene. It’s a character. He’s trying to accomplish something. He’s got an issue, he’s got a problem, his file’s not too big. So they showed it and then they showed the solution because he uses their Adobe Document Cloud and his problem’s solved and you see that. You actually see that firsthand. That’s an effective ad. It’d be a lot of good ideas to see there. If I wanted to see the ad link, I can click it and that’s the landing page they’re pushing to. It’s got that same guy from the ad. You can start a trial. I can see what offers are being run. That’s a big advertiser, but you can filter down and find the smaller advertisers too that maybe is competition for you. And another thing you can do as well is you can follow specific advertisers.

Get insight from other ads
Let’s say I wanted to follow this guy. Let’s say I watched his ad. Free Digital Marketing Course, so he’s selling courses. Let’s say I want to make sure I see anytime this guy rolls out a new ad because maybe he’s a competitor of mine. Add this to Watched Channels. And then when I go over here to my Watched Channels, by the way, this is going to give me email updates every time this guy rolls out new ads, but here are all the channels that I watch. And I had just added that guy, so he’s in there now. These are all the ads from all the channels that I follow. So I can see that and filter down and find all the different. Here are all the ones that I follow. So that last guy, this was the last advertiser, Hello [inaudible 00:05:04]. Here are all his ads, all of them. So I can see all the different angles that he’s running. I can watch these, see what messaging he’s using, what different hooks he’s using to try to bring people into his sales funnel about Digital Marketing Course.
The realtime market data that you’re going to have on your target audience and the ads that they’re already seeing is going to make you a much better advertiser as it is. If you want to check out Video Ad Vault, we have a demo on the home page to see more of it in action and how you can use it. Videoadvault.com is our homepage. You can go there. You can go there, see how it works. If you want to pick it up, you can get access and start browsing ads today searching for specific ads and getting unlimited inspiration for your own ads to improve the profitability of your own campaign. So that’s why you should be using YouTube Ads Spy Tool. If you like this video, please subscribe. Drop us any comments. If you’ve got questions or suggestions for future videos, let us know and we will talk to you soon. Thanks for tuning in. Bye.

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