Video Transcript
Find new clients for YouTube Ads
Justin Sardi: I’m going to show you a quick and easy hack that you can use to find new clients that are desperately in need of your YouTube ad services. This is great for anybody who runs an agency, and this is a great way that we do lead gen. So I’m going to jump over here to Video Ad Vault. This is our YouTube ad spy tool. It has over a million unique YouTube ads and landing pages. What I’m going to do is I’m going to come over here to the top channels.
Now this cool feature we have in here is channels with first ad seen recently, and we just click that, this’ll be worldwide or you can go, if you only work with people in specific countries, you can choose that as well. But essentially what I’m going to do is I’m going to look for people who are just rolling out their very first YouTube ad.
Now, a lot of times, for instance, Crazy Money right here, we can just click search. We’ll look at what their actual ad is right here, and we can actually see they have two of these. This is Japan. I cannot speak Japanese, I wish I could, but let me actually just turn this to United States because then I’m guaranteeing that these are in English, so we probably don’t want to hit up Disney. That’d be great though. Let’s see.

Help your clients drive conversions
Here we go. Maybe like Aura Cacia or whatever, we can click search on that and we can actually see that they have rolled out their very first ad. Today is February 13th, so they rolled it out February 2nd. They have not ran a ton of views through this. It’s a 20 second ad and we can kind of check out the ad itself. We can watch this. We can actually see … Hold on one second. This is actually another … This is an interesting ad. Anyway, so here we go. This is body oils, right? You can kind of see what’s going on here.
I really think obviously just even looking at this ad, this could use a lot of work. This would be a great customer to potentially go after. They could definitely use some work. We can see what their landing page is like so we can get some intelligence on them. We can actually get, whatever, their contact info from down here. We can figure out how to contact them, reach out to them, and use this for lead gen.
Now obviously this ad’s 20 seconds, like I said, could definitely use some work. There’s no voiceover, anything like that. Something that I would do here is, so I think this is essential oils or whatever. I would come over here and I would reach out to, or I’d go to video ad search over here. Sorry, there we go. Boom, my computer’s killing me today. All right, there we go. Search ads and I would just search for essential oils and I would just find all of these different ads for essential oils. I would find which ones are working the best here. I would then put together a list of a couple of these ads, figure out exactly what’s working, and then probably just reach out to this company that I can’t really say. I would reach out to them and be like, “Hey, we noticed you just launched your first YouTube ad. Would love to help you get more traction with that or help you drive conversions,” things like that. That’s just one of the things that you can do here.

Find those customers with Video Ad Vault
Like I said, that comes from the top channels United States in the channels of first ad seen recently. There’s a skincare brand here and you can really kind of just go through and see what is going on, what all these people are doing, all that good stuff. You can really see these are people who are just getting started with YouTube ads because this is literally the first ad that they are rolling out so these people could definitely use some help, pointers in the right directions, all that good stuff.
That is how we are using Video Ad Vault to literally go out and find companies that could use your help with YouTube ads if you run an agency. Now, Video Ad Vault, the pricing is as follows, $97 a month or $997 a year. Yeah, we do free weekly coaching calls. We’re actually doing free weekly coaching calls for the monthly members as well so when you do land those clients, you can just get out and jump on any of these weekly coaching calls, they’re live, and we can help you with literally whatever you need for these clients as well. We’ve got your back there and yeah, really looking forward to having you as a member. Just one of the really cool ways you can use Video Ad Vault. That’s it for me. Bye for now.

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