Consumers prefer watching videos of a product or service before making a purchase decision. Learn how Video Marketing allows you to speed this decision and convert them into customers faster.
A lot of advertisers miss out on generating inexpensive leads and sales and growing their revenue because they commit one or more of the Top 5 YouTube ad mistakes. Find out what they are here so you can avoid making these common mistakes.
Keeping tabs on competition’s YouTube ads is a time consuming process but is important to do for your success. Watch this video to find out a time-saving hack to get it done and how you can improve your own ads by doing it.
To make sales in video ads you need to know exactly how to pitch your offer. Find out what you need to do to pitch your offer the correct way and make your viewer want to buy your product.
After you hook your audience with your YouTube ad and you have their attention, you still have some important messaging to convey in order to get conversions. On this video, we break down what you need to do after the hook to lead your audience towards converting.
Google ads has announced a new regulation that advertisers will need to implement by April 30th, 2021. Watch this video to learn how this change affects you as a digital marketer.
Google recently updated their algorithms for their search technology which now makes it easier to connect brands and customers. Find out about these changes and how you can connect with more consumers who want what you have to offer.
Driving sales, leads, and traffic to your website is not that easy. Google has laid out some tips and useful guidelines that will help you do just that using video. Read on!
Are you worried about what you need to say in your YouTube ads to get new customers? Watch this video to learn exactly how to build trust with your ideal customer, demonstrate the value of your offer, and make sales.